(Seriously Mum, we're not six any more. I really don't think Michelle's going to care if you sleep here the whole time. Besides you're the best baby sitter ever! Love you xo)
I've baked so many cakes recently I couldn't care if I ever saw another. Don't think that's going to happen somehow since my friend Rain who decorates cakes for a living has asked me to take photos of her cakes for her. Pretty exciting huh? Someone thinks my photos are good enough to display!! I'll post a link to her blog as soon as she gets it up and running. She promises me she's started. I think maybe she needs a few more gentle nudges. People should see her cakes. They're amazing.
So what have I been creating? So glad you asked.
Harrison is so into cars at the moment I decided I would attempt a car cake. It wasn't that difficult in the end and I think it turned out alright. Some blue butter cream, a little bit of piping, some licorice wheels and windows, lollies for the lights and Bob's your uncle!
Jesse requested Pokemon cake this year. There was no way I was trying to create a Pokemon shaped cake so I enlisted in the help of my trusty cake decorating friend (everyone should have one) who gave me a few pointers and let me borrow some of her stuff. I ended up painting a picture of Jesse's favourite Pokemon onto royal icing on the top of the cake and slathering the sides of it in Red butter cream. The kids all loved it. I was pretty proud of my effort although believe me it looks alot neater in the picture.
I normally always make the kids a cake for their party and a little cake on their actual birthday. I got away with one for Jesse this year because his party was on his birthday. Wish we could do that every year. Harrison however got two. His second cake was so easy. I cheated and bought some of those ready made icing decorations. Thomas The Tank Engine this time. One for the top and a border for the sides. All it took was to pipe some of my leftover butter cream around the edges to hide the joins and it came out as good as a bought one. Almost.
So that's it for cakes for me until January. Well the fancy ones anyway. Til Next time........
Love Kylie
Ooohhh! Yummy!