Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Vege Quiche

I have to say, the one thing I really should have considered when I decided that I was going to blog some recipes was that I'd have to measure. Me? Measure? So many times I've taken pictures of things I've cooked and gotten all excited about posting the pictures and recipes of this yummy food and then realised I have no idea exactly what quantities of ingredients I put in it. How am I supposed to post a recipe? It's not like I can get on here and type 'well just throw in a dash of A and about so much of B. So this morning when I decided to make this quiche I made sure to pay attention to what I put into it. And TA DA, we have a recipe.

It's not really a traditional quiche, more like a mutation of a quiche since it doesn't have any crust to speak of and I cook it in a lasagna dish, but it's the way I do it and it's yum!


  • 3 Zucchini's grated
  • 2 carrots grated
  • 1 onion finely chopped
  • 1 small red capsicum diced
  • 2 tomatoes diced
  • 1 cup of grated cheese (any kind of tasty hard cheese)
  • 1 cup of self raising flour
  • 1/3 cup of olive oil
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 3 egg whites
  • 4 eggs

Now I forgot about the cheese and the onion when I took the picture but as long as you don't forget to put them in the quiche you'll be OK. I like to add some corn kernels as well but I didn't have any.

Something else to note it, the reason I used egg whites is because I had left over from a salad dressing I made. Normally I would just used 6 whole eggs.

OK, I think that's it. Moving on..........


  1. Mix the veges and cheese together in a large bowl
  2. Next, add the flour and salt and pepper and stir it through making sure to coat everything in the flour
  3. Mix the olive oil through
  4. And now the eggs
  5. Mix it all up with a wooden spoon making sure all the ingredients are well combined
  6. Line a lasagna dish with baking paper and pour the mixture in. (Baking paper is my saviour. It's so much easier to line everything with baking paper than to grease the dish only to have something stick anyway. Plus, it makes washing up alot easier.)
  7. Bake at 180 degrees C for approx 45 Min's

It's that easy and great for lunch boxes.


Love Kylie

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